About Us

Storage & Handling Quality, Professionalism, Business Relationships, Ideology, Operation, Reliability And Trustworthy As Well Keeping Our Client’s Confidentiality In Mind.
We Are Experts In Storage And Logistics
Focused on forwarding and transport, warehousing, supply chain solutions as well as customs services.
GLOBAL STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION TRADING CO., LTD is a US based Tank Storage and Logistics company with branches in Netherland Storage Farm, Registered in the US mainly for storage of gas and petroleum products, transportation and other petrochemical services within the USA and European Union linkable terminals and pipelines and tanker-shipping along the inland waterways and coastal seas of global routs

Health And Safety Values
As our business success rests on the safe and responsible storage and handling of our customer’s products, our health and safety values go hand in hand with our business strategy. This has exalted the company to an amazing and unrivalled greater level of success and thereby expending our operation to international territorial Commercial Sea Port arenas, we are committed in rending our international partners with our unique services. With years of triumphant business has made us a force in the business world with the unique service render by our management team with great experience in services.
Within the past few years, GLOBAL STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION TRADING CO., LTD has been ranked among the leaders in maritime transport and storage in Texas, Rotterdam and Europe. By nature we have a strong orientation towards customer satisfaction; often we develop and operate our business with reputable local, private and state-owned companies in Europe and around the world.

Test Laboratory For Crude Oil And Petroleum Products Analysis
Our laboratory conducts analysis of crude oil and petroleum products on thier performance. When compared with other research methods, the analysis of crude oil and petroleum products, we can detect internal defects and malfunctions, operation technique, all in the beginning. In addition, the work of the laboratory analysis of oil helps to prevent possible future maintenance issues, as well as to carry out regular inspection and repair of internal combustion engines, transmissions, turbines, gearboxes, hydraulic systems and other major oil-filled equipment.

Integrated Analyzer For Conducting Analysis
GLOBAL STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION TRADING CO., LTD has set the goal of creating an integrated analyzer for conducting analysis of crude oil and petroleum products. Analyzer, which would give the operator not only tests of crude oil and petroleum products, but also pointed to the failure in equipment. The outcome of the success of our company are not only four longer generations of instruments exploitation, also positions us as the absolute leader

Value Through Know-How
In addition to the storage, export of petroleum products and directing the entire logistics chain for our customers, every day we strive to add value.